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She went to the piano, and seating herself began to play the Wohltemperirtes Clavier. Six days had passed since Karen's disappearance. The country had been searched; London, still, was being examined, and the papers were beginning to break into portraits of the missing girl.

Talcott, meanwhile, as Madame von Marwitz had prophesied, asked no questions. "Now you have a good long sleep," she said, when she rose to go. "That's what you need." She needed it very much. The midges turned more and more slowly, then sank into the pool; mist enveloped everything, and darkness. Karen was waked next morning by the familiar sound of the Wohltemperirtes Clavier.

That is impossible. He and She. Then we love each other very much. She. Yes. But I am not sure that you can love me as much as I do you. By using these simple themes you may easily write a series of conversations in at least twenty-four keys, on the principle of Bach's Wohltemperirtes Klavier, but your fugues must be composed for two voices only, unless you are very clever.

Karen tried to eat her breakfast like a good girl and the sound of the Wohltemperirtes Clavier seemed again to encircle and sustain her. "How'd you sleep, honey?" Mrs. Talcott inquired. The term hardly expressed endearment, yet it was such an unusual one from Mrs. Talcott that Karen could only surmise that her tears had touched the old woman. "Very, very well," she said.