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In spite of herself, Magdalena had been obliged to listen to the witchfinder's tale, which, with his face pressed against the iron bars of the grating, he poured, with harsh voice, into her unwilling ear. As he proceeded, however, she appeared fascinated by the words he uttered, as the poor quivering bird is fascinated by the serpent's eye.

After a moment, however, he pulled his rosary from his bosom, and kissed it, adding, in a calmer tone, "Yes, it will be a glorious sight for it will be for the cause of the Lord, and of his holy church." Little as they comprehended the witchfinder's raving, the soldiers again crossed themselves, and looked upon him with a sort of awe.

We do not know how many servants of the evil one he discovered here; but, as he was paid twenty-three pounds for his services, and had received but six pounds in Aldeburgh, the presumption is that his work here was very fruitful in results. We now lose track of the witchfinder's movements for a while. Probably he was doubling on his track and attending court sessions.

For a quarter of an hour the boy lay as if dead, and then rose up quite well. Darrel now took up again the witchfinder's rôle he had once before assumed. Somers was encouraged to name the contrivers of his bewitchment. Through him, Darrel is said to have boasted, they would expose all the witches in England. They made a most excellent start at it.

As the witchfinder's hoarse voice was heard, a visible shudder passed through Magdalena's frame; but she raised not her head, moved not a limb, spoke not; and it was only when called upon by the chief schreiber to declare what she had to say against this accusation, that she lowly murmured "God's will be done!" but still with bowed head and downcast eyes.