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Inasmuch as the fugitive could not have fled in either direction without leaving a trail, and the closest search failed to show any thing of the kind, the conclusion was inevitable that no such flight had taken place. Besides how came Wimmoroo to forget it? all caught the splash of the body as it dropped in the water.

They stood looking about them, silent and bewildered. Wimmoroo took a sly glance at the tree tops as though he half expected to see the missing Shawanoe perched in the branches. But among those red men was one at least with quick intelligence. He was the last to approach the stream from the side toward which Deerfoot leaped.

"They showed him the dog of a Shawanoe, as he bounded high in air and strove to reach the other shore." "Can Wimmoroo make sure the Shawanoe did not leap in the air and then place his feet on the ground where they were before?" Could it be possible that such a strategy had been used? He began an examination, two of his warriors helping him.

"The eyes of Wimmoroo were open," said the leader, who, in spite of his assurance, began to feel suspicious that some trick had been played upon them, though, as yet, he could not define its nature. "What did the eyes of Wimmoroo tell him?" asked the other, showing a Yankee-like persistency in his questions.