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"It's the clause in our agreement about the profits of our second season that is my bright and shining star," he told the good lady more than once. "I don't know yet what we had better put in next year to bring us a fortune; but we'll know before it comes time to plant it." Meanwhile the wheel-hoe and seeder he had insisted upon Mrs.

"The things to be considered in the home garden are: a sufficient product to supply the family; continuous succession of crops; ease and cheapness of cultivation; maintenance of the productivity of the land year after year. "The ease and efficiency of cultivation are much enhanced if all crops are in long rows, to allow of wheel-tool tillage either by horse or wheel-hoe."

She would get him to buy her a cultivator such as he used in his own garden, and a wheel-hoe. He could advise her, too, about plowing buckwheat into the soil. And Martin would know what to do about shingling the barn and cementing the cellar. In fact, it was amazing to discover how inseparable Martin seemed to be from her plans.

The dibble, an old tool handle, or a bit of broomstick sharpened, and garden lines to get the rows straight, labels, tomato supports, plant protectors and stakes earl all be homemade out of old material. The full outfit would include the following: Roller $8.00 Wheel-hoe with seeder 8.50 Sprayer 3.75 Wheelbarrow 4.00 Crowbar 1.50 Weeder .35

Atterson agreed it would be too late to go hunting a farm for this present season. But Hiram kept to work. He had Sister and Old Lem Camp out in the garden, hand-weeding and thinning the carrots, onions, and other tender plants. That Saturday he went through the entire garden that part already planted with either the horse cultivator, or his wheel-hoe.

Sister and Lem Camp, both, had learned to use the man-weight wheel-hoe, and the fine stuff was thinned and the weeds well cut out. From time to time the young farmer had planted peas both the dwarf and taller varieties and now he risked putting in some early beans "snap" and bush limas and his first planting of sweet corn.

Onions, carrots, and the like, he put in fifteen inches apart, intending to do all the cultivating of those extremely small plants with the wheel-hoe, after they were large enough. But he foresaw the many hours of cultivating before him and marked the rows for the bulk of the vegetables far enough apart, as he had first intended, to make possible the use of the horse-hoe.