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People used to play at Royalty then as they play nowadays at parliament, creating a whole host of societies with presidents, vice-presidents, secretaries and what not agricultural societies, industrial societies, societies for the promotion of sericulture, viticulture, the growth of flax, and so forth.

An agricultural regeneration of Italy was impending, chiefly in viticulture, as Ferrero has pointed out. With far sighted appreciation of the economic advantages of this, Octavian determined to promote the movement, which became one of the completed glories of the Augustan Age, when Horace sang Tua, Caesar, aetas Fruges et agris rettulit uberes.

In addition to the superintendent the staff connected with the department consisted of James G. Patterson, of Sheridan, assistant superintendent; John W. Coughtry, of New Scotland, and Sherman T. Lewis, of Johnsonburg, assistants in charge of fruit exhibit; A. M. Loomis, of Fredonia, assistant in charge of viticulture, and Miss Bessie J. Hutchinson, of Rochester, stenographer.

Viticulture was not paying well at this time in California, and Archie's father, in cutting down expenses all around, chose to begin with Archie, who had not done anything to assist the family fortunes. Archie took it good-naturedly and kept usually cheerful, though seedy and often hungry.

He corroded the ancient Italian traditions, which opposed with such repugnance and so many fears the efforts of the vintners and the vineyard labourers to sell wine at a high price; in this way he rendered service to Italian viticulture.

The vine a Black Hamburg was planted in 1768, and it annually bears about twelve hundred bunches of grapes, many incipient bunches being removed in accordance with the custom of viticulture to allow the rest to mature the better. The vine has been known to bear well over two thousand pounds weight or about a ton of grapes in a single season.

The south pavilion encompassed the displays of viticulture. Representations of actual scenes in the vicinity of California vine-yards wine cellars cool grottos and a highly ornamental fountain throwing sprays of wine, constituted the most attractive domestic scenes.

Still more curious is the influence that this development of Italian viticulture exercised on the political life of Rome; for example, in the barbarous provinces of Europe, wine was an instrument of Romanisation, the effectiveness of which has been too much disregarded.

People used to play at Royalty then as they play nowadays at parliament, creating a whole host of societies with presidents, vice-presidents, secretaries and what not agricultural societies, industrial societies, societies for the promotion of sericulture, viticulture, the growth of flax, and so forth.