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Updated: January 23, 2025
The second speech which we have the Divinatio, or speech against Cæcilius, having been the first is called the Actio Prima contra Verrem "the first process against Verres." This is almost entirely confined to an exhortation to the judges. Cicero had made up his mind to make no speech about Verres till after the trial should be over. There would not be the requisite time.
As for those who have calumniated you by leasing-making, I protest to Heaven I think they have justly incurred the penalty of the MEMNONIA LEX, also called LEX RHEMNIA, which is prelected upon by Tullius in his oration IN VERREM. I should have deemed, however, Mr.
Inhabitants of Norfolk and Suffolk. Rem Romanam huc satietate gloriæ provectam, ut externis quoque gentibus quietem velit. Tacit. Annal. Nam duces, ubi impetrando triumphalium insigni sufficere res suas crediderant, hostam omittebant. Tacit. Annal. Sigonii de Antiquo Jure Provinciarum, Lib. 1 and 2. Cic. in Verrem, I.
This is something like the brocard expressed by the learned Sanchez in his work "De Jure-jurando" which you have questionless consulted upon this occasion. As for those who have calumniated you by leasing- making, I protest to Heaven I think they have justly incurred the penalty of the "Memnonia Lex," also called "Lex Rhemnia," which is prelected upon by Tullius in his oration "In Verrem."
This is something like the brocard expressed by the learned Sanchez in his work "De Jure-jurando" which you have questionless consulted upon this occasion. As for those who have calumniated you by leasing- making, I protest to Heaven I think they have justly incurred the penalty of the "Memnonia Lex," also called "Lex Rhemnia," which is prelected upon by Tullius in his oration "In Verrem."
This is something like the brocard expressed by the learned Sanchez in his work "De Jure-jurando" which you have questionless consulted upon this occasion. As for those who have calumniated you by leasing-making, I protest to Heaven I think they have justly incurred the penalty of the "Memnonia Lex," also called "Lex Rhemnia," which is prelected upon by Tullius in his oration "In Verrem."
Nihil tam clausum ad exitus, nihil tam septum undique, nihil tam tutum ad custodias, nec fieri nec cogitari potest." Half an hour's shaking in a lettiga brings us without a stumble, by the old forum of Syracuse, to the Ear of Dionysius, and those other stone quarries so well described in the above passage from Cicero in Verrem.
"In that one hour in which I spoke" this was the speech which we designate as the Actio Prima contra Verrem, the first pleading made against Verres, to which we shall come just now "I took away all hope of bribing the judges from the accused from this brazen-faced, rich, dissolute, and abandoned man.
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