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His creditors were not tender towards the novelist, and used to the utmost the lien they had upon the few unterminated engagements that involved him in the liquidation. A letter addressed by Balzac to the Marquis de Belloy, his former secretary, testifies to the annoyance the creditors caused him:

It never is completed or nailed down. I speak not merely of our ideas of imperceptibles like ether-waves or dissociated 'ions, or of 'ejects' like the contents of our neighbors' minds; I speak also of ideas which we might verify if we would take the trouble, but which we hold for true altho unterminated perceptually, because nothing says 'no' to us, and there is no contradicting truth in sight.

'Really, it never struck me, I say it never struck me before, rejoined the General, smelling it as at a pinch of snuff. 'I was saying, I always . . . And he tacitly, with the absurdest of smiles, begged permission to leave unterminated a sentence not in itself particularly difficult 'I have a nose, observed Lady Camper.

'Really, it never struck me, I say it never struck me before, rejoined the General, smelling it as at a pinch of snuff. 'I was saying, I always .... And he tacitly, with the absurdest of smiles, begged permission to leave unterminated a sentence not in itself particularly difficult 'I have a nose, observed Lady Camper.

Then with much boldness they declared that "To exact such an unterminated tax from English planters, and to continue it after so many repeated complaints, will be the greatest evidence of a design to introduce, if the Crown should ever devolve upon the Duke, an unlimited government in old England." Prophetic words which the Duke, in a few years, tried his best to fulfill.