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The second edition of D'Aubigné is the poorer for being shorn of these caustic passages. The Jesuit Keller's Admonitio ad Ludovicum XIII. , and the same author's Mysteria Politica, , were both sentenced to be burnt; also the Jesuit Sanctarel's Tractatus de Hæresi , which claimed for the Pope the right to dispose, not only of the thrones, but also of the lives of princes.

DR. JOHN LOVE, of Glasgow, "Discourses." COUSIN, "Cours," II. 420, 422. MORELL, "History of Philosophy," I. 251; II. 221, 505, 522. SPINOZA, "Tractatus Theolog.-Polit.," p. 267. LAMENNAIS, "Essai sur l'Indifference," passim. LAMENNAIS, "Essai," II. 6, 7, 52, 60, 258. Ibid., II. 9, 97, 110. LAMENNAIS, "Essai," II. 59, 72, 75, 78, 80, 84, 94; IV. 255. BOUCHITTÉ, "Histoire des Preuves," p. 478.

His agreement with them comes out most clearly in the Tractatus Theologico-Politicus.

To prove that her reputed ancestor was alive after the accepted date of Thomas Vaughan's death, she triumphantly observes that in the year 1668 he published his experiments on the preparation of Sophic Mercury and Tractatus Tres.

And in point of fact, little or nothing can be added to what Pomponazzi has written in his Tractatus de immortalitate animæ. It is reason itself, and it serves nothing to reiterate his arguments.

The only other book Spinoza published in his lifetime the Tractatus Theologico-Politicus bore on its title page Spinoza's initials only, and the name of a fictitious Hamburg publisher. It was then an open secret who the author was. Spinoza's personal rule to incur as little official displeasure as possible made him abandon his final literary project entertained in 1675.

Many of the more important works written during the period are reprinted in the Tractatus Universi Juris, vols. vi. and vii. The appendix to the first chapter of Reseller's Geschichte also contains a valuable account of certain typical writers, especially of Langenstein and Henricus de Hoyta.