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In connection with the low state of the Batoka, I was led to think on the people of Kuruman, who were equally degraded and equally depraved. There a man scorned to shed a tear. It would have been "tlolo", or transgression. Weeping, such as Dr. Kane describes among the Esquimaux, is therefore quite unknown in that country.

Beautiful Valley Buffalo My young Men kill two Elephants The Hunt Mode of measuring Height of live Elephants Wild Animals smaller here than in the South, though their Food is more abundant The Elephant a dainty Feeder Semalembue His Presents Joy in prospect of living in Peace Trade His People's way of wearing their Hair Their Mode of Salutation Old Encampment Sebituane's former Residence Ford of Kafue Hippopotami Hills and Villages Geological Formation Prodigious Quantities of large Game Their Tameness Rains Less Sickness than in the Journey to Loanda Reason Charge from an Elephant Vast Amount of animal Life on the Zambesi Water of River discolored An Island with Buffaloes and Men on it Native Devices for killing Game Tsetse now in Country Agricultural Industry An Albino murdered by his Mother "Guilty of Tlolo" Women who make their Mouths "like those of Ducks" First Symptom of the Slave-trade on this side Selole's Hostility An armed Party hoaxed An Italian Marauder slain Elephant's Tenacity of Life A Word to young Sportsmen Mr.

It is thought to be calling death to visit the tribe. When I was coming through Londa, my men carried a great number of fowls, of a larger breed than any they had at home. If one crowed before midnight, it had been guilty of "tlolo", and was killed.

"Tlolo", or transgression, is ascribed to several curious cases. A child who cut the upper front teeth before the under was always put to death among the Bakaa, and, I believe, also among the Bakwains. In some tribes, a case of twins renders one of them liable to death; and an ox, which, while lying in the pen, beats the ground with its tail, is treated in the same way.