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It is one of the best buildings of its kind in all the country, and the picture of it in Dahlenberg's Suecia antiqua et moderna, engraved in 1694, shows it very much as the tourist may see it today. It was built soon after 1600, and is, roughly speaking, very much like an English house of that period in respect of material red-brick with stone facings and style.

Hic ille est Grotius, majus quo doctior orbis Nil habuit; credo, nil habiturus erit: Gallia quem stupuit, stupuit quem Suecia, verus Qui Phoebus Delphis, orbe pharusque fuit. Salmasius, who so unmercifully fell foul of Grotius's memory, had formerly been one of his greatest admirers.

He wrote this modest Epitaph for himself : Grotius hîc Hugo est, Batavûm captivus et exul, Legatus regni, Suecia magna, tui. Grotius had the precaution to make his will at Paris on the 27th of March, 1645, a little before his departure. He had a very agreeable person, a good complexion, an aquiline nose, sparkling eyes, a serene and smiling countenance.