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Perhaps, even if their rupture had not occurred, Strefford's sudden honours might have caused her to ask for her freedom.... Money, luxury, fashion, pleasure: those were the four cornerstones of her existence. He had always known it she herself had always acknowledged it, even in their last dreadful talk together; and once he had gloried in her frankness.

Nicholas Lansing to say that he would call on her that afternoon at four. "That ought to give us time," he reflected drily, "to 'settle things, as she calls it, without interfering with Strefford's afternoon visit." HER husband's note had briefly said: "To-day at four o'clock.

Strefford's approval of the philosophic romance convinced her that it had been worth while staying in Venice for Nick's sake; and if only Ellie would come back, and carry off Clarissa to St. Moritz or Deauville, the disagreeable episode on which their happiness was based would vanish like a cloud, and leave them to complete enjoyment.

Yes, they were dining that night at the Ascots', with Strefford's cousin, the Duke of Dunes, and his wife, the handsome irreproachable young Duchess; with the old gambling Dowager Duchess, whom her son and daughter-in-law had come over from England to see; and with other English and French guests of a rank and standing worthy of the Duneses.