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The negroes gathered from other points to examine the canoe, and, hearing that I was from the north, one grizzly old darky begged me to "carry" his complaints to Washington. "De goberment," he said, "has been berry good to wees black folks. It gib us our freedom, all berry well; but dar is an noder ting wees wants; dat is, wees wants General Grant to make tings stashionary.

Make all tings stashionary. Den dar's one ting more. Tell de goberment to do fur poor darky 'nodder ting, make de ole massa say to me, You's been good slave in ole times, berry good slave; now I gib you one, two, tree, five acres of land for yoursef. Den ole nigger be happy, and massa be happy too; den bof of um bees happy. Hab you a leetle bacca fur dis ole man?"

De storekeeper gibs a poor nigger only one dollar fur bushel corn, sometimes not so much. Den he makes poor nigger gib him tree dollars fur bag hominy, sometimes more'n dat. Wees wants de goberment to make tings stashionary. Make de storekeeper gib black man one dollar and quarter fur de bushel of corn, and make him sell de poor nigger de bag hominy fur much less dan tree dollars.