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"Good heavens, Spike, you must be mad. Can't you see Oh, Lord! Directly the loss of those pearls is discovered, we shall have those detectives after us in a minute. Didn't you know they had been watching us?" An involuntary chuckle escaped Spike. "'Scuse me, Mr. Chames, but dat's funny about dem sleut's. Listen. Dey's bin an' arrest each other." "What!" "Dat's right.

An involuntary chuckle escaped Spike. "Sure, boss, dat's all right." "All right, is it? Well, well! What makes you think it is all right?" "Why, say, boss, dose sleut's is out of business." A merry grin split Spike's face. "It's funny, boss. Gee! It's got a circus skinned! Listen. Dey's bin an' arrest each other." Jimmy moodily revised his former view.

Dey had a scrap, each t'inkin' de odder guy was after de jools, an' not knowin' dey was bot' sleut's, an' now one of dem's bin an' taken de odder off, an'" there were tears of innocent joy in Spike's eyes "an' locked him into de coal-cellar." "What on earth do you mean?" Spike giggled helplessly. "Listen, boss. It's dis way. Gee! It beat de band!

Dey had a scrap in de dark, each finking de odder was after de jools, an' not knowin' dey was bote sleut's, an' now one of dem's bin an' taken de odder off, an' locked him in de cellar." "What on earth do you mean?" Spike giggled at the recollection. "Listen, Mr. Chames, it's dis way.