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"Palmerston was driven from his position, and our cavalry, which had been posted on his left, was broken into fragments. Gen. Anderson changed front with his left brigade and struck Polkhorn in flank and forced him back on his main line. Palmerston was now supported by Sherlin's division and his former position retaken.

Sherlin was assailed first by Polkhorn. Gen. Anderson now seeing his chance, moved quickly to Sherlin's support, and with a dash struck one of Polkhorn's divisions in flank, and almost annihilated it. One of his brigades, Stephen Lyon commanding, was ordered to charge against another division. This was handsomely done, and the rebels fell back rapidly.

Orden and Griffith were marching rapidly to join Sherlin, and by marching all night reached Appomattox at 6 A.M. on the morning of the 9th, just as Laws was moving his head of column with the intention of brushing away Sherlin's cavalry and securing the supplies. Laws had no suspicion of infantry having joined our cavalry at Appomattox.

Silent was a 'murderer, a 'butcher, a 'brute, an 'inhuman monster. The enemy, however, were all right. They were 'humane friends, 'good Christians, etc. The hypocrisy of this world is perfectly amazing. "At this time take a glance at the rebel capital. Boutler was within ten miles; Sherlin's troopers were, many of them, inside the works on the north side of Richmond.

"Sherlin's division and two brigades of cavalry were to march to Eagle Cove and thence to Columbiana; Sleeman's division, with other troops, were to form the center; the left was to move on Shelltown; the whole to concentrate on and along the north bank of Goose River. Gen.

"Meador had now arrived with his force and joined Sherlin, but failed to attack, he being the senior and then in command. Silent rode late in the night to Sherlin's headquarters, and at once ordered an attack at four in the morning, but said that Laws would steal away that night. The next morning he was gone, and changing his course, was now heading for Lynchburg. Pursuit was immediately made.