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To give the reader an idea of the pageant advancing to possess itself of the Valley, it will be well to refresh his memory with a few details. He should remember, in the first place, that it was not merely the caravan which left El Katif over on the western shore of the Green Sea, but two great caravans merged into one El Shemi, from Damascus, and Misri, from Cairo.

"Take care of them, Shemi, thou know'st my corner in the market." "Yes, yes," said Shemi, "they will be all right." And Morva stood up in the sunshine freed from her burden.

Which cathedral is a sort of intangible edifice of gold and turquoise and emerald, and has thrown over its hills rare carpets silk-embroidered by Turcoman weavers of Shemi and Samarkand, and contains, heaped everywhere, plunder brought from all the quarters of the world for the delectation of the sun. Yes, it is as though men sought to say to the Sun God: "All things here are thine.

To add to this mysticism, the Cabalists, by the change of a single letter, read the passage, "This is my name forever," or, as it is in the original, Zeh shemi l'olam, םלעל ימש הז as if written Zeh shemi l'alam, םלאל ימש הז that is to say, "This is my name to be concealed."

But HU, in Hebrew אוה, is claimed by Talmudic writers to be one of the names of God; and the passage in Isaiah xlii. 8, in the original ani Jehovah, Hu shemi, which is in the common version "I am the LORD; that is my name," they interpret, "I am Jehovah; my name is Hu." HUTCHINSON, WILLIAM. A distinguished masonic writer of England, who lived in the eighteenth century.