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And this fury was contagious: now Germany now France had it Anti-Semite laws like the old May-Laws but harsher still; and streaming they came, from the Leopoldstadt, from Bukowina, from the Sixteen Provinces, from all Galicia, from the Nicolas Colonies, from Lisbon, with wandering foot and weary breast the Heines, Cohens, Oppenheimers Sephardim, Aschkenasim. And Dover was the new Elim.

They spoke in Spanish, the language usually employed amongst themselves by the English Sephardim. "I told thee, wife," answered Abraham, in a slightly injured tone, "she wanted the child to embroider a scarf." "And I suppose thou wert too anxious to fill thy saddle-bags to care for the danger to her?" "There was no danger at all, wife. The Countess promised all I asked her.

Yet the Sephardim in Spain could have had no knowledge of the Crucifixion until some weeks, at soonest, after it had taken place, and perhaps never knew of the hostility of the Jews in Jerusalem against the Saviour. Until the dispersion of the Eastern colleges in the eleventh century, no great rabbis came into Spain with pretension of authority to enforce Talmudical traditions.

They lay a mat on the marble tiles, on which they place a small low table, and they sit on the mat and eat. Two Sephardim families have rooms in the house and they speak Arabic and Spanish, and their ways of living are more like those of the Turks, just as the Jews in England live more like the English. "Everyone seems most interested in us.

But these hopes found no lodgment in the breasts of the Jewish governors of the Smyrniote quarter, where hard-headed Sephardim were busy in toil and traffic, working with their hands, or shipping freights of figs or valonea; as for the Schnorrers, the beggars who lived by other people's wits, they were even more hard-headed than the workers.

I believe the world, and particularly this city, would cut a very poor figure without commerce; and then there is something poetical in the idea of doing business after the Armenian fashion, dealing with dark-faced Lascars and Rabbins of the Sephardim. Yes, should the Armenian insist upon it, I will accept a seat at the desk, opposite the Moldavian clerk.