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And the ship came down, until it might have seemed that Seldom's intention was to ram her. But not so; when a scant two lengths separated the two craft, he called out: "Hard down! Light up the staysail-sheet and stand by the forebraces!"

It was an unfortunate mistake; for he took Seldom's place, and the rain of fists and boots descended on him until he fell unconscious. Mr. Helward himself delivered the last quieting blow, and then stood over him with a lurid grin on his bleeding face. "Got to put down mutiny though the heavens fall," he said painfully. "Right you are, Seldom," answered one.

"You bought, I suppose, with Captain Benson's money." "S'pose it was his. We found it in his desk. But we've kept account of every cent expended, and bought no grub too good for a white man to eat." "What dismasted you?" They explained the meeting with the steamer and Seldom's misdoing; then requested information about the salvage laws. "Boys," said the pilot, "I'm sorry for you.

Then he was knocked down himself by a larger fist, and, fighting bravely and viciously, became the object of fist-blows and kicks, until, in one of his whirling staggers along the deck, he passed close to the short, broad, hairy man, who yielded to the excitement of the moment and added a blow to Seldom's punishment.