Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !
Updated: November 20, 2024
Krishna Pal became the first native missionary to Calcutta, where he in 1810 had preached at fourteen different places every week, and visited forty-one families, to evangelise the servants of the richer and bring in the members of the poorer. Sebuk Ram was added to the staff.
Indeed, were you never to be blessed to the conversion of one soul, still the pleasure of labouring in the work of the Lord is greater than that of any other undertaking in the world, and is of itself sufficient to make it the work of our choice. I hope Sebuk Ram is arrived before now, and that you will find him to be a blessing to you in your work.
We did preach in the Fort; but of late a military order has stopped us. Krishna and Sebuk Ram, however, preach once or twice a week in the Fort notwithstanding; also at the jail; in the house of correction; at the village of Alipore, south of the jail; at a large factory north of the city, where several hundreds are employed; and at ten or twelve houses in different parts of the city itself.
Spare no pains to get me seeds and roots, and get Brother Robinson to procure what he can from Bhootan or other parts. "Remember me affectionately to Sebuk Ram and his wife, and to all the native brethren and sisters." "5th February 1810. Were you hunting the buffalo, or did it charge you without provocation?
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