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"Any thing, Monsieur Schnetz dress me like the Pope's Nuncio, or the Mayor of London, if you like, but only enable me to go."

In order, therefore, to follow his injunctions to the letter, I strolled out toward the Place in search of the tailor, and also to deliver a letter from Waller to the chamberlain, to provide me with a card for the ball. Monsieur Schnetz, who was the very pinnacle of politeness, was nevertheless, in fact, nearly as untractable as my host of the "Cross."

"Any thing, Monsieur Schnetz dress me like the Pope's Nuncio, or the Mayor of London, if you like, but only enable me to go."

"We shall meet to-night, Harry," said Waller, as we parted "we shall meet at the Casino and don't forget that the Croix Blanche is your hotel; and Schnetz, the tailor, in the Grande Place, will provide you with every thing you need in the way of dress."

Teresa uttered a cry of admiration. Vampa in this attire resembled a painting by Leopold Robert, or Schnetz. He had assumed the entire costume of Cucumetto. The young man saw the effect produced on his betrothed, and a smile of pride passed over his lips. 'Now, he said to Teresa, 'are you ready to share my fortune, whatever it may be? 'Oh, yes! exclaimed the young girl enthusiastically.