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The first authenticated use of the name of the new judge seems to be in a placitum of Charlemagne of the year 781. In this the parties to a suit are mentioned as having already appeared before the "Comitem et suos Escapinios." Eight years later, in a Praeceptum of Charlemagne, commission is given to the comes Tentmann "superque vicarios et Scabinos, quos sub se habet, diligenter inquirat."

Lewis the Pious requires twelve to accompany each count when summoned by the emperor: "veniat unusquisque Comes et adducat secum duodecim Scabinos"; but concedes that if so many could not be found in the city, their number should be filled out from the best citizens of the town: "de melioribus hominibus illius civitatis suppleat numerum duodenarium."

In a capitulary of Charlemagne of the year 809 it is decreed: "ut Scabini boni et veraces cum Comite et populo elegantur et constituantur": and more specific directions are given by Lothar I. in the year 873, in case of a scabinus found to be an unjust judge. He says: "ut Missi Nostri ubicumque malos scabinos invenerint ejiciant, et totius populi consensu in loco eorum bonos eligant."