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Previous operations had not, however, proved successful, for the snow-fed river breached the dykes, and the leaders of a syndicate with an opposition scheme were not only sowing distrust among Savine's supporters, but striving to stir up political controversy over the concession. Geoffrey did not agree with the contractor on several important points, but deferred to the older man's judgment.

Then came a revulsion from the strain of the last few days, and he burst into a laugh. "It would have been mean, and I dare say I haven't absorbed sufficient of the stuff to quite poison me," he said. It was with a heavy sense of responsibility that Geoffrey returned from a visit to Savine's offices in Vancouver, and yet there was satisfaction mingled with his anxiety.

Savine's face turned white under the glare of the headlight. With a reckless leap Geoffrey followed his enemy. Only conscious of the man's peril, he acted upon impulse without reflection. "Good God! They'll both be killed!" exclaimed Shackleby.

I am afraid you must find some other way down to the beach this morning." It was long since Helen had heard anybody apply the word "must" to herself. As Julius Savine's only daughter, most of her wishes had been immediately gratified, while the men she met vied with one another in paying her homage.