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It was settled therefore at once that they should meet again on the next day, Wednesday, between nine and ten in the morning, at the Salle Roysin, that they should arrive singly or by little separate groups, and that they should let those who were absent know of this rendezvous. This done, there remained nothing more but to separate. It was about midnight. One of Cournet's scouts entered.

Let us all meet to-morrow in the Faubourg St. Antoine. Opposite the Lenoir Market there is a hall which was used by a club in 1848." They cried out to me, "The Salle Roysin." "That is it," said I, "The Salle Roysin. We who remain free number a hundred and twenty Republican Representatives. Let us install ourselves in this hall.

It was not then eight o'clock in the morning, and thinking that my colleagues of the Committee of Insurrection had passed the night there, I thought it might be useful to go and fetch them, so that we might proceed all together to the Salle Roysin. I found only Madame Landrin in the Rue des Moulins.

"Eh!" said a workman, "they do not wish it!" A second repeated, "They do not wish for liberty!" Another added, "They did not wish us to have it, they do not wish it for themselves." All was said, and the omnibus was allowed to pass on. The Café Roysin had just opened. It may be remembered that the large hall of this café had served for the meeting of a famous club in 1848.