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'Ja, dies ist reizend, said Emil, sotto voce, exulting. He was very shy. But we were curiously happy, in that railway restaurant. Then we sat very still, on the platform, and waited for the train. It was like Italy, pleasant and social to wait in the railway station, all the world easy and warm in its activity, with the sun shining. I decided to take a franc's worth of train-journey.

As my birthday falls in the winter I get mittens as well as blotting-books and photograph-frames, and if it were in the summer I should get photograph-frames and blotting-books and no mittens; but whatever the present may be, and by whomsoever given, it has to be welcomed with the noisiest gratitude, and loudest exclamations of joy, and such words as entzuckend, reizend, herrlich, wundervoll, and suss repeated over and over again, until the unfortunate Geburtstagskind feels indeed that another year has gone, and that she has grown older, and wiser, and more tired of folly and of vain repetitions.

I saved it for you girls to open. But you must come out into the garden now, while the sun is there." Frieda had taken only a moderate interest in the house, but when they entered the tangled garden, German exclamations poured from her lips in a rapturous stream. "Himmlisch! Reizend! Famos! Ach, wie wunderhübsch! Was nennt man dies? Und dies?"