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He stands alone in having succeeded in recrystallizing in his own tongue some at least of the charm of the kissing match, and is even fairly successful in the following dangerous conceit: When it is borne in mind that not only is the rendering graceful in itself, but that as a rule it represents its original if not literally at any rate adequately, it will be realized that Fanshawe's qualifications as a translator are not small.

I have succeeded in splitting up "heavy daturine" by two different methods. By recrystallizing the gold salt six times from boiling water, the salt of hyoscyamine, which melts at from 316 deg. F. to 323 deg. F., crystallizes our first, and by the successive evaporation of the mother liquor at last obtain the pure gold salt of atropine, which melts at 275 deg. F. to 280 deg.

Under the resistless pressure of crustal movements almost any rocks, sandstones, shales, lavas of all kinds, granites, diorites, and gabbros may be metamorphosed into schists by crushing and shearing. Limestones, however, are metamorphosed by pressure into marble, the grains of carbonate of lime recrystallizing freely to interlocking crystals of calcite.

In case of need, the ferricyanide can be purified by adding to its solution a little bromine water and recrystallizing the compound. PROCEDURE. Fill one burette with each of the solutions, observing the general procedure with respect to cleaning and rinsing already prescribed. The bichromate solution is preferably to be placed in a glass-stoppered burette.

But as an investment for capital my dear young sir, go back to your division, and strive by faithful service to rise in the accepted and time-honored way. You are wasting your time in New York." Curiously enough, Ford found his evaporated courage recrystallizing under opposition.

The best way of purifying the alkaloid is by recrystallizing its gold salt several times, so as to obtain it in brilliant yellow plates, melting at 320 deg. F. By passing a stream of hydrosulphuric acid gas through the liquor the gold is precipitated in the form of sulphide.

Thus was gradually produced the formation of mica-schist, the mica imperfectly recrystallizing or being merely aggregated together in horizontal plates, between which the quartz either spread itself generally in minute grains or unified into crystalline nuclei.