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Quo me, Bacche, rapis tui plenum truly I shall be tipsy and will but finish my pattypan dulce periculum est Jacob can there be two Jacobs? and two old Toms? nay mirabile dictu there are two young Toms, and two dog Tommies each with two tails. Bacche, parce precor precor Jacob, where art thou?

Carlotta is in the wine, Carlotta with her sorcery and her laughter and her youth, and I drink Carlotta. "Quo me rapis Bacche pienum tui?" To such a land of dreams, my one-eyed friend, as never before have I visited. You yawn? You are bored? I shoot the dregs of my glass into his distended jaws.

Don't you know that Cook was at the siege of Quebec, with the glorious Wolfe, who fought under the Duke of Cumberland, whose royal father was a distinguished officer at Ramillies, before he commanded in chief at Dettingen? Huzza! Give it them, my lads! My horse is down? Then I know I shall not run away. Do the French run? then I die content. Stop. Wo! Quo me rapis?

Petrosino did put an end to much of it, and at the present time it is largely sporadic. Yet there will always be a halo about the heads of the real Camorrists and Mafiusi the Alfanos and the Rapis in the eyes of their simple-minded countrymen in the United States.

They never speak naturally to us, or the whole truth. We should be indignant: we should say, confound their impudence: we should turn them out of doors if they did. But quo me rapis, O my unbridled hobby?