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I want him and I want to be married to him, but I look forward to it as I look forward to the next race-day at the Circus or the next fight of gladiators at the Colosseum, as a desirable and delightful time sure to come but by no means to be hurried, as something I can very well do without until the time comes.

Long reflection was impossible; suddenly he felt carried away by a fierce and mad longing to fight it out he felt as he had felt on a race-day in the hippodrome, when he had driven his own quadriga ahead of all the rest. Onwards, then, onwards; and if the chariot were wrecked, if the horses were killed, if his wheels maimed his comrades overthrown in the arena-still, onwards, onwards!

The opening has all the summer freshness of a race-day morning at Epsom: "The bells awoke me in the morning, ringing a merry peal. When the wind died, they seemed to be calling towards London; when it rose again, they poured their merriment through the town, as if telling us that the King was coming.

Long reflection was impossible; suddenly he felt carried away by a fierce and mad longing to fight it out he felt as he had felt on. a race-day in the hippodrome, when he had driven his own quadriga ahead of all the rest. Onwards, then, onwards; and if the chariot were wrecked, if the horses were killed, if his wheels maimed his comrades overthrown in the arena- still, onwards, onwards!

And the occasion of his arrival, for all the gaiety, was one of dignity and importance. If Bostil reveled in anything it was in an hour like this. His liberality made this event a great race-day. The thoroughbreds were all there, blanketed, in charge of watchful riders. In the center of the brow of this long bench lay a huge, flat rock which had been Bostil's seat in the watching of many a race.