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Updated: September 6, 2024
Let no friuolous questionist therefore further enquire why he marched so many dayes to Lisbon, and taried there so small a while. When we were come into the field, euery battalion fell into that order which by course appertained vnto them, and so marched that night vnto Cascais.
And it is observed, so far as enquiry is able to look back at this distance of time, that at his being a school-boy he was an early questionist, quietly inquisitive "why this was, and that was not, to be remembered? why this was granted, and that denied?"
After that he fell to be Seeker, and is now an Anti-Scripturist, a Questionist and Sceptick, and I fear an Atheist." Specimens of his sayings about the Bible are given; and altogether one has to fancy Wrighter as an oldish man, sneaking about in public places in London on soft-soled shoes, and with bundles of papers under his arm.
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