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It kind o' done me in, it did, what with the prospick o' losin' my hosses them as I'd raised since they was runnin' around arter their mothers like young galathumpians and what with his speakin' so fair and kindly like. Well criky! I could ha' swore; I felt so bad. 'It will be a great loss for Lord Durwent to lose his stable. 'Ah, that it will.

"N.B. Heverythink looking well in the City. St. Helenas, 12 pm.; Madagascars, 9 5/8; Saffron Hill and Rookery Junction, 24; and the new lines in prospick equily incouraging. "People phansy it's hall gaiety and pleasure the life of us fashnabble gents about townd But I can tell 'em it's not hall goold that glitters. They don't know our momints of hagony, hour ours of studdy and reflecshun.

Ours, you know, is a Wig house; and ever sins his third son has got a place in the Treasury, his secknd a captingsy in the Guards, his fust, the secretary of embasy at Pekin, with a prospick of being appinted ambasdor at Loo Choo ever sins master's sons have reseaved these attentions, and master himself has had the promis of a pearitch, he has been the most reglar, consistnt, honrabble Libbaral, in or out of the House of Commins.

Hunx, of Long Acre, put egsicution into my apartmince, and swep off every stick of my furniture. 'Wardrobe & furniture of a man of fashion. What an adwertisement George Robins DID make of it; and what a crowd was collected to laff at the prospick of my ruing!