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At all good druggists, or directly by mail, 25 cents a tube; 5 tubes, $1.00. The Pro-Ven Laboratories, Washington, D.C. This product has been tested and approved by the Pennsylvania State Department of Health Laboratories."

Remember: It is best to use Pro-Ven immediately after exposure; never delay more than two hours if possible. Pro-Ven is not a cure it is designed to keep men from getting disease; it can be used as a lubricant and preventive both before and after exposure. Pro-Ven is harmless and will not cause pain or injury to the sexual organs. Insist upon having Pro-Ven.

In time it will probably be found advisable to authorise only a standard type of tube preferably the metal tube with elongated nozzle and expanded metal cap filled with one simple self-disinfecting ointment. The following is quoted as sample of directions authorised in U.S.A.: "The use of this package is not to be construed as a licence to exposure. Pro-Ven, the original preventive.

In addition to Pro-Ven, the following proprietary tubes of self-disinfecting ointment have, to my knowledge, been authorised by the Department of Health, and samples were sent to me: Procaline, manufactured by the Hawthorne Drug Speciality Co., Inc., 88-90, Reade Street, New York City. Cargenios, manufactured by H.K. Mulford Company, Philadelphia.