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You see that I am strong on your side and almost on the point of deciding in your favor. "But I hesitate. This case of yours worries me more than anything that has come up since I took over the Principiate. I cannot make up my mind. "I'm not the man I was a year ago. I'm shaken. Father told me that the most wearing feature of his being Emperor was his recurring escapes from assassination.

"Well, there's a story going about of an oracle, an oracle which says that the Republic reached its acme under Trajan, that the Empire kept up its prosperity under Hadrian and my Grandfather and Father, but that the glory of Rome is fated to fade and wane and that its decline will date from my taking over the Principiate. "I am worried about it.

He looked all vanity, self-satisfaction and vainglorious self-sufficiency. "Fellow-soldiers," the Emperor went on, "you charge that my Prefect of the Praetorium is not loyal, but is most treacherous; that he has been, for more than two years, plotting my death and the elevation to the Principiate of his eldest son, now Procurator of Illyricum.

He was even more horrified at the arrogance of the guilty Praetorians and at their shameless effrontery in offering the Imperial Purple to the highest bidder and in, practically, selling the Principiate to so bestial a Midas as Didius Julianus, who, of all the senators, seemed most to misbecome the Imperial Dignity and who had nothing to recommend him except his opulence.