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Heureusement pour vous, l'institution monarchique vous permettra de traverser la crise qu'entrainera la modification de la composition et de l'esprit de la Chambre des Communes. Grace a cette institution, l'esprit politique du pays pourra retablir l'equilibre entre les pouvoirs publics.

The principles on which it is based in countries where it forms an actual doctrine of the constitution are the privilege of the State over and above those of the private citizen, and, secondly, the separation des pouvoirs by which, while ordinary judges ought to be irremovable and independent of the Executive, Government officials ought, qua officials, to be independent to a great extent of the jurisdiction of the ordinary courts, and their actes administratifs ought not to be amenable to the ordinary tribunals and judges.

Vaguely remembering Todd's opinion, that he had power to interfere under certain conditions with the settlement of the lands, and concluding that he had delegated this power, as well as others, to themselves, the justices of the court proceeded to make immense grants of territory, reciting that they did so under "les pouvoirs donnés a Mons'rs Les Magistrats de la cour de Vincennes par le Snr.

Notwithstanding our worries, we had a very pleasant evening and W. was very cheerful looking forward to our Italian trip with quite as much pleasure as I did. W. made over the ministry to Freycinet on Monday, the 28th, the transmission des pouvoirs. Freycinet was very nice and friendly, regretted that he and W. were no longer colleagues.

As to the underlying principles of the constitution, the account which he gives of them conveys hardly more to the reader than the famous lines in the Henriade: Aux murs de Westminster on voit paraître ensemble Trois pouvoirs étonnés du noeud qui les rassemble.

"Aux murs de Vestminster on voit paraître ensemble Trois pouvoirs étonnés du noeud qui les rassemble, Les députés du peuple, les grands, et le Roi, Divisés d' intérêt, réunis par la Loi."