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By this time I had turned the sand out of my boots and unpinned myself from the prickly pear; and by the time he gets half a mile out of Pimienta, I singlefoots up beside him on my bronc. "I said that snoozer was pink-eyed, but he wasn't. His seeing arrangement was grey enough, but his eye-lashes was pink and his hair was sandy, and that gave you the idea.

"Better keep away from him, Ned." "Think I'll take the pink-eyed one," decided Tad. "Pink-eye. That will be a good name for him. Got a rope?" "Yes, kin you rope him?" "I'll try if you will stir them up a bit," answered the freckle-faced boy. "You might as well pick out our ponies, too," observed the Professor. "You are the only one of our party who is a competent judge of horse flesh."

But when they came out the child carried nothing more than a wicker cage containing two pink-eyed white rabbits that were wrinkling their noses furiously. With a last cherishing look at most of the beauty in all the world it still slept despite the tearing clatter of a parrot with catarrhal utterance that shrieked over and over, "Oh, what a fool! Oh, what a fool!" he turned away.

The lariat began curving in the air, then its great loop opened, shot out and dropped neatly over the head of the pink-eyed pony. Tad drew it taut before it settled to the animal's shoulder, at the same time throwing his full weight on the rawhide. He would have been equally successful in trying to hold a steam engine.