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Erasmus in his Second Epistle defends Valla in his attacks upon the clergy, and asks, "Did he speak falsely, because he spoke the truth too severely?" Valla died at Naples in 1465. The following epigram testifies to the correctness of his Latinity and the severity of his criticisms: Nunc postquam manes defunctus Valla petivit, Non audet Pluto verba latina loqui.

Ambo tamen credens atque confitens.... "And now this last verse: Peto quod petivit latro poenitens! "What a cry! Ah, but it is beautiful! It is beautiful! What words to say in dying! And what did the poor thief ask, that Dixmas of whom the church has made a saint for that one appeal: 'Remember me, Lord, in Thy kingdom! But we have arrived. Stoop, that you may not spoil your hat.

Ambo tamen credens atque confitens.... "And now this last verse: Peto quod petivit latro poenitens! "What a cry! Ah, but it is beautiful! It is beautiful! What words to say in dying! And what did the poor thief ask, that Dixmas of whom the church has made a saint for that one appeal: 'Remember me, Lord, in Thy kingdom! But we have arrived. Stoop, that you may not spoil your hat.

Ambo tamen credens atque confitens.... "And now this last verse: Peto quod petivit latro poenitens! "What a cry! Ah, but it is beautiful! It is beautiful! What words to say in dying! And what did the poor thief ask, that Dixmas of whom the church has made a saint for that one appeal: 'Remember me, Lord, in Thy kingdom! But we have arrived. Stoop, that you may not spoil your hat.

The verb is ‮غَزَا‬ ghaza, "petivit," which in the second conjugation means, "expeditione bellica petivit hostem," and the noun in use is ‮غَزَاة‬ ghazah, "expeditione bellica."