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Her face was rather short, and swarthy as a gipsy's; observant and sullen too; and she did not move, only eyed us negligently from under her dark lashes as we drew near. Altogether a not unpicturesque figure, with a dusky, red petticoat of drugget, and tattered jacket of bottle-green stuff, with short sleeves, which showed her brown arms from the elbow. 'That's Pegtop's daughter, said Milly.

When the young officer brushed past him, at the first go off, while he was rinsing some glasses in the passage, his sword banged against Pegtop's derriere as he stooped down over his work. He started and looked round, and merely exclaimed "Eigh, Massa Niger, wurra dat!"

Climb up here, I tell ye, and we climbed up the slanting trunk of a great walnut tree, and strained our eyes in the direction from which we expected the onset of Pegtop's vicious pack. But it was a false alarm. 'Well, I don't think he would do that, after all hardly; but he is a brute, sure! 'And that dark girl who would not let us through, is his daughter, is she?

"Zounds, this is too much," exclaimed Bang, as he rose and kicked the poor fellow out again, with such vehemence, that his skull, encountering the paunch of our friend the Baron, who was entering from the street at that instant, capsized him outright, and away rolled his Excellency the General de Division, Commandant de L'Arrondissement, &c. &c. digging his spurs into poor Pegtop's transom, and sacring furiously, while the black servant roared as if he had been harpooned by the very devil.