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'But it may be of consequence to the state, sir, replied an old farmer, smelling strongly of whisky and peat-smoke; 'and I doubt we maun delay your journey till you have seen the Laird. 'You certainly, said Waverley, haughtily, 'will find it both difficult and dangerous to detain me, unless you can produce some proper authority.

"A stuffy hole, full of peat-smoke, and with a window that can't open at the best of times." "Peat-smoke is wholesome," said Dr. May, looking provoking. "You don't know what it is, papa, or you would never let Ethel spend her life there. It is poisonous!" "I'll take care of Ethel," said Dr. May, walking off, and leaving Norman in a state of considerable annoyance at being thus treated.

So may some cadet of Royal Ecossais or the Albany Regiment, as he mounted guard about French citadels, so may some officer marching his company of the Scots- Dutch among the polders, have felt the soft rains of the Hebrides upon his brow, or started in the ranks at the remembered aroma of peat-smoke. And the rivers of home are dear in particular to all men.

'But it may be of consequence to the state, sir, replied an old farmer, smelling strongly of whisky and peat-smoke; 'and I doubt we maun delay your journey till you have seen the Laird. 'You certainly, said Waverley, haughtily, 'will find it both difficult and dangerous to detain me, unless you can produce some proper authority.

"Would you like your fortune spaed, sir?" asked my black friend, twitching his thumb in the direction of his wife, who was leering on me with a friendliness begot of the bottle. The place was full of deafening noises and peat-smoke.

Then the axe of the woodcutter echoes sharp and diligently in the forest; then the coal-merchants rejoice, because each shriek of Nature in her agony adds something to the price of coal per ton; then the peat-smoke spreads its aromatic fragrance through the atmosphere.