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Thus in Italy also men called the potato 'tartufo, but added 'bianco, the white truffle; a name now giving way to 'patata. Thus was it, too, with the French; who called it apple, but 'apple of the earth'; even as in many of the provincial dialects of Germany it bears the name of 'erdapfel' or earth-apple to this day.

And Master Shallow has the Weltschmerz in that latent form which is the more appealing; and discouraging questions arise as to the end of old Double; and Argan in his nightcap is the tragic figure of Monomania; and human nature shudders at the petrifaction of the intellect of Mr. F.'s aunt. Et patati, et patata.

And Master Shallow has the Weltschmerz in that latent form which is the more appealing; and discouraging questions arise as to the end of old Double; and Harpagon is the tragic figure of Monomania; and as to Argan, ah, what havoc in "les entrailles de Monsieur" must have been wrought by those prescriptions! Et patati, et patata.

This contentment I deplore, and am keen to disturb. I except from my indictment any young lady who may read these words. I will assume that she differs from the rest of the human race, and has not, never had, anything to learn in the art of conversing prettily, of entering or leaving a room or a vehicle gracefully, of writing appropriate letters, et patati et patata.

You must not fail to command me' and patati and patata." "You are an outrageous little ape," said the Commendatore, grinning in spite of himself. "You would mimic the Devil to his face." "No," said Susanna. "I only mimic people when I am fond of them." And again she lifted her eyes to his, where they melted in her tender, teasing smile. "Ph-h-h," puffed the Commendatore, agitating his cap.