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The following are a few cases of this description, and are extracted from the reports and judgments of the Officialty at Paris in cases of impotency.

This was the beginning of the quarrel between the Pope and the Emperor. Pius VII. would not yield; but Napoleon found greater servility in the metropolitan officialty of Paris; and October 6, 1806, he secured a sentence pronouncing the nullity of his brother Jerome's marriage with Miss Paterson.

He had petitioned the bishop for an edict which expressly forbade the Bohemian women to come and dance and beat their tambourines on the place of the Parvis; and for about the same length of time, he had been ransacking the mouldy placards of the officialty, in order to collect the cases of sorcerers and witches condemned to fire or the rope, for complicity in crimes with rams, sows, or goats.

"The next issue of the Sun will contain the formal announcement of the engagement of the most popular and beloved young lady in Windomville. No doubt it will be old news by that time, next Thursday, but publication in the press gives it the importance of officialty." "We may congratulate ourselves, however, that we are not to lose her," said Mrs. Pollock. "She is to remain in "

We ought to mention however, that the sciences of Egypt, that necromancy and magic, even the whitest, even the most innocent, had no more envenomed enemy, no more pitiless denunciator before the gentlemen of the officialty of Notre-Dame.

"And that crocodile on the right?" "Master Philippe Lheulier, advocate extraordinary of the king." "And that big, black tom-cat on the left?" "Master Jacques Charmolue, procurator of the king in the Ecclesiastical Court, with the gentlemen of the officialty." "Come now, monsieur," said Gringoire, "pray what are all those fine fellows doing yonder?" "They are judging." "Judging whom?