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The anxious father had noted the coming tempest; and, with hands to his mouth, was shouting orders to the young gentlemen to return. Loud and angry as cracked the thunder, the imperial voice o'ertopped it.

He o'ertopped every boy of his age in height, and the bearing of his lovely youthful body was masculine grace itself. The town and the Court knew these children, and talked of their beauty and growth as they had talked of their mother's. "To be the mate of such a woman, the father of such heirs, is a fate a man might pray God for," 'twas said. "Love has not grown stale with them.

Within the city of Chihuahua, metropolis of the northern provinces of Mexico for the most part built of mud standing in the midst of vast barren plains, o'ertopped by bold porphyritic mountains plains with a population sparse as their timber in the old city of Chihuahua lies the first scene of our story.

The gunnies of the ships o'ertopped by many feet the quay-wall and their chains rose slanting, tight from the rings. The fishermen and their boats were far down on Cowal after signs of herring; the bay was given up to barque and gabbart alone.

Dew-drops on the trees and on the grass were scattered like seeds by the passing of the light carriage; the occupants as they rolled along caught glimpses of the mysterious visions of the woods, those cool depths, where the verdure is moist and dark, where the light softens as it fades; those white-birch glades o'ertopped by some centennial tree, the Hercules of the forest; those glorious assemblages of knotted, mossy trunks, whitened and furrowed, and the banks of delicate wild plants and fragile flowers which grow between a woodland road and the forest.