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When he arrived on board, he was met by the Flemish captain, who commenced a statement of his misfortunes and his difficulties, when the French lady, who, unobserved by Newton, had come up the companion-ladder, screamed out as she ran into his arms "Ah! mon Dieu! c'est Monsieur Nu-tong!"

"Le jeune homme n'entends pas, madame," observed Mimi. "Que c'est ennuyant. Monsieur," said Madame Fontanges, pointing to herself, "moi, Madame de Fontanges: vous?" pointing to him. "Newton Forster." "Nu-tong Fasta ah, c'est bon; cela commence," said the lady. "Allons, mes enfans, répétez-lui tous vos noms." "Moi Mimi," said the girl bearing that name, going up to Newton, and pointing to herself.

"Oh! Monsieur Nu-tong, nous avons tant soufferts! Ah! mon Dieu! point de l'eau rien

The meeting was joyful, and Newton was delighted that circumstances had enabled him to render assistance to those who had been so kind to him in his former distress. "Oh! Monsieur Nu-tong, nous avons tant soufferts!

When he arrived on board, he was met by the Flemish captain, who commenced a statement of his misfortunes and his difficulties, when the French lady, who, unobserved by Newton, had come up the companion-ladder, screamed out as she ran into his arms "Ah! mon Dieu! c'est Monsieur Nu-tong!"