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Rambonet, I judge, enjoyed only one of those divine Suppers at Moyland; and dashed off again, "on hired hack" or otherwise, the very next morning; that contingency of No-answer having been the anticipated one, and all things put in perfect readiness for it. Succinct good Manifestoes, said to be of Friedrich's own writing; the essential of the two is this:

Draw up memorial of that, Monsieur Klinggraf; and send us the supercilious No-Answer: till which arrive we do not cross the Frontier, but are already everywhere on march to it, in an industrious, cunningly devised, evident and yet impenetrably mysterious manner.

But in spite of so much unhandsome behavior on the part of this Prince, the King will not be inflexible; satisfied with having shown the said Prince that he can punish him, and too just to overwhelm him. For the Manifestoes printed beforehand, dated Wesel, 11th September, were not the only thing ready at Wesel; waiting, as on the slip, for the contingency of No-answer.

Major-General Borck, the same who was with us at Baireuth lately, had just returned from that journey, when he got orders to collect 2,000 men, horse and foot, with the due proportion of artillery, from the Prussian Garrisons in these parts; and to be ready for marching with them, the instant the contingency of No-answer arrives, Sunday, 11th, as can be foreseen.

Rambonet had started straightway for Liege, with this missive; and had duly presented it there, I guess on the 7th, with notice that he would wait forty-eight hours, and then return with what answer or no-answer there might be.