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"When I first visited the hut of 'Nkuni this morning, conducted thither by the chief Ingona, whom you thought to be 'Nkuni's friend," answered Dick, "I found that Sekosini, the chief witch doctor, had been administering to the sick man certain medicines with the alleged purpose of healing him of his sickness.

And when at length I stood face to face with the witch doctor I laid my magic upon him, so that he was perforce obliged to tell me all the truth of the matter; and he confessed that 'Nkuni's illness was part of a conspiracy to remove your friends from you, that you might be deposed and slain, and the iniquitous system of government practised by M'Bongwele restored."

I have not yet done that, for the examination would take time, and 'Nkuni's case seemed urgent; therefore I went to Sekosini's hut to talk with him about it.

Armed with this, he made his way to 'Nkuni's hut, and was gratified to find that the emetic had been productive of very satisfactory results, the pain being greatly eased, while the temperature of the body had become almost normal.

Lobelalatutu at once turned to one of the chiefs present, and said: "Ingona, you are 'Nkuni's friend; take these white men to his hut, that the Healer may see him, and perchance restore to him his health and strength."