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Well, I thought, Nimfodora Semyonovna will regale me now with bilberry water and other cooling drinks and I had already taken hold of the doorhandle when all at once there was the tramping of feet and shrieking, and shouting of boys from round the corner of a hut in the courtyard.... I looked round. Good heavens!

"And you may not believe me, gentlemen, but that very day I broke off all acquaintance with Nimfodora Semyonovna; on mature consideration of everything, I am bound to add that for that circumstance, too, I shall owe a debt of gratitude to my friend Tresor to the hour of my death. "Well, I had the carriage brought round, put my Tresor in and drove home.

My knees shook; I rushed to a looking-glass and looked to see whether I had been bitten. No, thank God, there was nothing to be seen; only my countenance naturally looked green; while Nimfodora Semyonovna was lying on the sofa and cackling like a hen. Well, that one could quite understand, in the first place nerves, in the second sensibility.

Nimfodora Semyonovna ran out with her hair down, the voices in the yard grew louder and all at once I heard: 'Hold the gate, hold it, fasten it! I opened the door just a crack, and looked out: the monster was no longer on the steps, the servants were rushing about the yard in confusion waving their hands and picking up bits of wood from the ground; they were quite crazy.