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It was no use grumbling so many fewer tartlets and apples were eaten and fives balls bought on that Saturday; and after locking-up, when the money would otherwise have been spent, consolation was carried to many a small boy by the sound of the night-fags shouting along the passages, "Gentlemen sportsmen of the School-house; the lottery's going to be drawn in the hall."

The two boys looked at one another in silence. It had struck nine, so the regular night-fags had left duty, and they were the nearest to the supper-party. East sat up, and began to look comical, as he always did under difficulties. "Fa-a-a-ag!" again. No answer. "Here, Brown! East! you cursed young skulks," roared out Flashman, coming to his open door; "I know you're in; no shirking."

Of course I was at his mercy till the end of the half, and in his weeks my study was so frowzy I couldn't sit in it." "They spoil one's things so, too," chimed in a third boy. "Hall and Brown were night-fags last week. I called 'fag, and gave them my candlesticks to clean. Away they went, and didn't appear again.

However, the lovers of the science were doomed to disappointment this time. Directly after locking-up, one of the night-fags knocked at Tom's door. "Brown, young Brooke wants you in the sixth-form room." Up went Tom to the summons, and found the magnates sitting at their supper. "Well, Brown," said young Brooke, nodding to him, "how do you feel?"