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The expression is here so equivocal as to leave in doubt whether the killed and wounded were Icarians or Frislanders, or part of both. Neome seems to be the isle or Stromoe, one of the Faro Islands; as it is in fact to the southward of Iceland, and only three days sail from the Orkneys, the Faras-islands, or Frisland of this author. Forst. Travels of John Schildtberger into Tartary, in 1394 .

Neome I take to be Strom-oe, one of the Faro isles, Porland probably meant the Far-oer, or Faro islands; as Far-oe, or Far- land, is easily transmuted into Porland. It is true that we find no such name as Zicumni among the princes of the Orkneys.

I therefore departing, because I could not otherwise chuse, sayled for the space of twenty dayes to the Eastwards without sight of any land: then turning my course towards the Souteast, in 5. dayes I discouered land, and found my selfe vpon the Isle of Neome, and knowing the countrey, I perceiued I was past Island: wherefore taking in some fresh victuals of the inhabitants being subiect to Zichmni, I sayled with a faire winde in three dayes to Frisland, where the people, who thought they had lost their prince, because of his long absence, in this our voyage receiued vs very ioyfully.

Zichmni sent away all the rest of the people with the ships, giving the command to me, Antonio Zeno, much against my will. Taking therefore our departure, we sailed twenty days to the eastwards, without seeing any land; on which we shifted our course to the south-east, and after five days, we came in sight of the island of Neome , so that we passed Iceland without seeing it.