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* The most moderate, as well as the most violent, were always united on the subject of this irrational tyranny. "Toujours en menageant, comme la prunelle de ses yeux, le gouvernement revolutionnaire." "Careful always of the revolutionary government, as of the apple of their eye." Fragment pour servir a l'Hist. de la Convention, par J. J. Dussault.

* The most moderate, as well as the most violent, were always united on the subject of this irrational tyranny. "Toujours en menageant, comme la prunelle de ses yeux, le gouvernement revolutionnaire." "Careful always of the revolutionary government, as of the apple of their eye." Fragment pour servir a l'Hist. de la Convention, par J. J. Dussault.

Two chief motives can be divined for Napoleon's determined opposition to Italian unity which never ceased till Sedan. The first was his wish, shared by all French politicians, that Italy should be weak. The second was his regard for the Temporal Power which proceeded from his still being convinced that he could not reign without the Clerical vote. The French prelates were perpetually giving him reminders that this vote depended on his keeping the Pope on his throne. For instance, Cardinal Donnet told him at Bordeaux in October 1859, that he could not choose a better way of showing his appreciation of the Blessed Virgin than 'en ménageant un triomphe