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Updated: January 23, 2025

Love is flowerlike, Friendship is a sheltering tree; O the joys that came down showerlike With virtue, truth, and liberty, When I was young." Coleridge. "To-morrow, then, we are all to ascend the Schilthorn," said Mr Kennedy, as he bade good-night to the merry party assembled in the salle a manger of the chalet inn at Murrem. "Or as high as we ladies can get," said Mrs Dudley.

"For the strength of the hills we bless Thee, Our God, our Father's God; Thou hast made our spirits mighty, By the touch of the mountain sod!" Hemans. "Here you all are, then," said the cheerful voice of Mr Kennedy, as Julian, Eva, and Cyril, followed by the guide, entered the little Murrem Inn. "Here are three of us," answered Julian; "haven't Edward and Violet arrived?

Violet's fluttered nerves and wearied frame rendered it necessary for the party of English travellers to stay for a few days at Murrem, and afterwards it was decided that they should all go down to Grindelwald, and spend there the remainder of the time which they had set apart for the Swiss tour.

Julian a little wondered why he had not, but remembered, with a sigh, that there was something, he knew not what, between him and Kennedy. Yet Kennedy was engaged to Violet! The thought carried him back to the beautiful memories of Grindelwald and Murrem, perhaps of Eva Kennedy: I will not say.

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