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Zeokinizul, who now was intent only upon dying in the Religion of his Ancestors, pleasing his People, and carrying their Esteem as well as their Grief with him to the Grave, complied with all the Mollak's Injunctions, ordered Lenertoula to be immediately dismissed the Court, with a Prohibition from ever appearing in his Presence.

In the mean Time, the Queen arrived. She made Use of the Mollak's pious Impressions, and tho' her Austerities and Vexations, together with her advanced Age, had rendered her no tempting Spouse, yet the kind and grateful Monarch was so taken with her Tenderness and Diligence, that he vowed, that from this Time his Heart should be her's, and her's alone.

What is certain, and also more important, is, that Liamil so charm'd the King by her lively Flights of Wit, heightened by an expressive Air, that he heard her with more Pleasure than he had imagined, that the Inticements of this Woman were too strong for his Virtue, and that at last, she gradually drew him to a Couch, where he gave her the Pledges of his Love, satisfied her longing Desires, and completed the Mollak's Stratagem.

The Monarch was offended at his Representations on so delicate a Point, and sharply said, I have indeed made you Master of my Kingdom, but I expect to be Master of myself. This Answer completed the Mollak's Design, and he took Care that it should not be lost to the People. The general Displeasure which it gave, is hardly to be imagined.