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"Did you keep out of the way, then, lest old Peter should get you at a job that is onsuitable to your manhood?" "Keep out of way of Pottawattamie," returned the Chippewa; "no want to lose scalp-radder take his'n." "But Peter says the Pottawattamies are all gone, and that we have no longer any reason to fear them; and this medicine-priest tells us, that what Peter says we can depend on for truth."

"Brothers, I have now done; this pale-face wishes to speak, and I have said that you would hear his words. When he has spoken his mind, I may have more to tell you. Now, listen to the stranger. He is a medicine-priest of the white men, and says he has a great secret to tell our people when he has told it, I have another for their ears too.

The tormenting will last a long time. We must not let the medicine-priest get too great a start on the path to the happy hunting-grounds of your " Here, a most unexpected interruption occurred, that effectually put a stop to the eloquence of Ungque.

"Both dem pale- face dead." "Dead!" echoed all within hearing. "Juss so; Injin kill him. Mean to kill you, too dat why I run away. Saw medicine-priest die. What you t'ink, Blossom? What you t'ink, Bourdon? Dat man die asking Great Spirit to do good to Injin!" "I can believe it, Peter, for he was a good man, and such are our Christian laws, though few of us obey them.