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He extemporised on the piano for the best part of two hours, during which Mavis listened and dreamed, while Mrs Trivett undisguisedly went to sleep, a proceeding that excited no surprise on the musician's part. Supper was served in the kitchen, where Mavis partook of a rabbit and moorhen pie with new potatoes and young mangels mashed.

"Mr Cheesacre and I are talking about farming," she said. "Oh; farming!" answered Maria's mother. "Mr Cheesacre thinks that turnips are better than early mangels," said Mrs Greenow. "Yes, I do," said Cheesacre, "I prefer the early mangels," said Mrs Greenow. "I don't think nature ever intended those late crops. What do you say, Mrs Walker?"

A thatched stile is opposite, flanked by a straggling hedge of Osage-orange; and from the stile the ground falls away in green and gradual slope to a great plateau of measured and fenced fields, checkered, a month since, with bluish lines of Swedes, with the ragged purple of mangels, and the feathery emerald-green of carrots.

A good ration is about 15 to 20 pounds of hay, 6 or 7 pounds of barley or bran and about 10 pounds of roots such as beets or mangels. When the cow is dry, pasture is the best food, supplemented with some green food. Sorghum Silage. Will Egyptian corn make good ensilage and at what time should it be cut to make the best feed for dairy cows? Sorghum makes good silage.