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"The boys," remarked Anteek; "I know them!" Adolay laughed. "Yes," she said, "I know them too, and they meddle with everything." "Come, man-of-the-woods," said Cheenbuk, "and see my father's igloe. He is hiding inside of it since the spouter made its noise. This is my sister, Nootka, and that," he added, pointing to Mrs Mangivik, who was gradually becoming untransfixed, "is my mother."

"So, then, man-of-the-woods," said Cheenbuk at last, "you are the father who has lost his daughter?"

The party retired behind a hummock and prepared for action. "Will the man-of-the-woods go first and try the spouter?" asked Cheenbuk. "No," replied Nazinred; "the man-of-the-woods prefers to watch how the men-of-the-ice do their work. After that he will use the spouter, which we call pasgissegan. The white traders call it gun." Harpoons and lances were at once got ready.

In the third book of Tulpius' 'Observationes Medicae', published in 1641, the 56th chapter or section is devoted to what he calls 'Satyrus indicus', "called by the Indians Orang-autang or Man-of-the-Woods, and by the Africans Quoias Morrou."

In the third book of Tulpius' 'Observationes Medicae', published in 1641, the 56th chapter or section is devoted to what he calls 'Satyrus indicus', "called by the Indians Orang-autang or Man-of-the-Woods, and by the Africans Quoias Morrou."